Oct 8, 2014

Warmoth Custom Guitars

          In case you haven't heard of it before, here is a link to Warmoth custom guitars


           I had heard of them but never really looked into it - I decided to change that.  The coolest thing about Warmoth is that not only can you build almost any guitar, it also has a visual example and pricing for every part you could possibly need.

           The downside is that it's pretty expensive - I designed a couple different models for fun and to see what they would look like.  As you can see by comparing the two, they are almost identical - the difference being that the first one has a clear coat and black binding and costs nearly $300 more for it.  

          Paintjobs, as you can tell, are not really a good value - but would be great for someone wanting a natural finish or custom paintjob.  Otherwise, the prices are reasonable enough, especially considering prices for custom bodies don't really get any better than this.

          Anyway, if you've ever thought about building a custom guitar, you should definitely check them out.  

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