Apr 30, 2014

Greatest Riffs of All Time (Second Edition)

          Many different lists have been compiled of the "best guitar songs" to learn, but I thought I'd put in my 2 cents on this everlasting debate by putting out my personal list of best guitar riffs.

          This list is now in its second iteration and while is still subjective of course, has added some more riffs to make it more encompassing and cover more types of music.

Awesomeness after the break.

Apr 29, 2014

Yet another legendary Fender Fuse tone

This particular preset that I made is my favorite of any preset that I either have found or made.  It is for soloing or playing anything other than full chords really, and has an overdrive pedal, sine chorus, reverb, and delay with a light echo filter.  You don't have to know what all that means to hear how awesome it is though.


If you have a Mustang amp, this will make it ten times better, and believe me, that's a lot of awesome.

Apr 22, 2014

How to Restring a Guitar

             A humorous and slightly useful process analysis essay I wrote for AP English class... enjoy!